Jamie Acord and her husband were enjoying a walk along Popham Beach State Park in Phippsburg, Maine, when a typical day at the beach took a sudden, startling turn. As they strolled along the shoreline, Jamie unexpectedly found herself waist-deep in sand, trapped in a patch of quicksand.

“It was like I just dropped into a manhole cover,” Jamie told PEOPLE. “We were walking and talking, and suddenly I went into the sand.” She described the terrifying moment to the Associated Press, recalling how she told her husband, “I can’t get out.” Jamie further explained to NBC affiliate WCSH, “I just dropped like a rock. One moment I was there, and the next I wasn’t.”

Her husband quickly sprang into action, managing to pull her out of the sand. Jamie emerged from the ordeal with only a few scrapes. Reflecting on the experience, she said, “It was one of those moments where I didn’t know what to do. This is a new thing that’s never happened before. And I go to that beach all the time.”

This unexpected encounter with quicksand at a familiar location left Jamie shaken but unharmed. The incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of natural environments and the importance of staying vigilant, even in seemingly safe and familiar places.