Pope Francis has once again come under scrutiny for using a derogatory term for gay people, which he had previously apologized for last month, according to the ANSA news agency. Italian media had reported that on May 20, during a private meeting with Italian bishops, the pope used the word “frociaggine,” a crude Italian term roughly translating to “faggotness.”

ANSA reported that Pope Francis repeated this term on Tuesday while meeting with Roman priests, stating, “there is an air of faggotness in the Vatican.” He suggested that it would be better if young men with homosexual tendencies were not allowed to enter the seminary.

When asked about the latest incident, the Vatican’s press office referred to a statement it had issued about Tuesday’s meeting with the priests. In this statement, the pope emphasized the importance of welcoming gay people into the Church but also urged caution regarding their admission to seminaries.

Following the initial report of his use of the offensive term, the Corriere della Sera newspaper quoted unnamed bishops who were present during the meeting. They suggested that Pope Francis, being Argentine, might not have understood that the Italian term he used was offensive.

At 87 years old, Pope Francis has been credited with making significant strides towards inclusivity for the LGBT community during his 11-year papacy. He has often spoken about the need for the Church to be more welcoming to all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. However, his recent comments have raised concerns among observers of the Vatican. These missteps are seen as undermining his authority and casting doubt on his commitment to reform within the Church.

Francis’ use of the term has sparked a debate about his intentions and the direction he intends to take the Church. While some argue that his actions speak louder than his words, others feel that his language must align with his progressive stance. The controversy highlights the ongoing tension within the Catholic Church regarding its stance on LGBT issues and the need for clearer, more consistent messaging from its leaders.

Pope Francis’ previous gestures towards the LGBT community have included his famous “Who am I to judge?” remark and his meetings with gay and transgender individuals. These actions had been interpreted as signs of a more inclusive and compassionate approach within the Church. However, his recent use of derogatory language threatens to erode the goodwill he has built with the LGBT community and its allies.

The Vatican’s handling of the situation has also been criticized. Some feel that the response has been insufficient and that more decisive action is needed to address the concerns raised by the pope’s language. The Church is being urged to reaffirm its commitment to inclusivity and to ensure that its leaders are held accountable for their words and actions.

In conclusion, Pope Francis’ repeated use of a highly disparaging term for gay people has reignited controversy and raised questions about his commitment to inclusivity and reform within the Catholic Church. While he has made significant overtures towards the LGBT community during his papacy, his recent missteps highlight the need for more consistent and sensitive communication from Church leaders.